Thursday, October 9, 2008

I do not know who I am

I am like a boat without anchor,

Typhoon is raging, the coconut tree toppled down

By the beach

The tenants evacuated to the hills

Hiding and I

Am this boat without anchor

Left to be lost not knowing

Where these rages of waves shall

Take me.

Now I am, not really a boat,

I truth, I am a man in

Love, but simply does not know what to do,

It is funny,

I am old,

And I am an embarassment,

A boat without anchor,

I am the rage of the big waves,

And I am also the tenant who eant away

To hide in the hills

Now who would know who I am

I am everything and I am everyone

I am rage, I am wave, I am tenant,

I am an anchor,

At this time,

Who would know who I am,

Who really now knows me.

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